We were never meant to go through life, or try to follow Jesus alone. The grace of Jesus draws us together around his Word to question, learn, struggle, grow, serve, and love in community — in a pattern of life with and for one another. Participating in one of our ‘encouragement groups’ meeting regularly throughout the area is a key way in which people at Shore Pres seek to break out from the modern individualistic mould to create patterns of life with and for one another. Typical encouragement group meetings will feature catching up, studying Scripture and processing things in its light, praying together, probably some good laughs, possibly a good cry… From here, ongoing prayer and support, partnership in service, deep conversation, fun, and friendship all stem forth and take their organic course. We always marvel at the far-reaching impact of ordinary gathering around Christ and his gospel.
We currently have 2 encouragement groups meeting in neighbourhoods on the North Shore. See regular meeting locations and times as well as brief descriptions and contact links below. Please feel free to reach out to any group leaders at any time about how to join in.
Torbay/Browns Bay Group | Thursdays — 7:00-9:00pm
Leader: Paul Burton
We usually meet in the Van Bemmelen’s home, a warm and welcoming place for interesting and upbuilding conversation. This group of mixed ages, families, singles, and couples enjoys the freedom to ask and explore deep questions together.
Glenfield Group | Tuesdays — 7:00-9:00pm
Leader: Tom Wilson
The Glenfield group aims to provide space for people to wrestle with the gospel and its application in everyday life. Our group, which currently consists of mostly singles and young couples, varies location each week as we alternate between a few homes in the wider Glenfield area.